How To Pay Apple Credit Card Balance?
On the card, you’ll see your current outstanding balance along with your available credit limit. If a payment is coming due soon, there’ll be a handy reminder notification too.
When you’re ready to make a payment, tap the “Pay Now” button.
It will show your minimum payment amount. But here’s the cool part – pay the full balance, and you’ll avoid any interest charges for that billing cycle! It’s one of the great perks of the Apple Card.
If paying the full balance isn’t an option this month, no worries. You can pay any amount between the minimum and the full balance based on what works for your budget.
The next step is choosing which bank account you want the payment to come from. It will default to the last one you used, but you can easily change it if needed.
Use Face ID or double-tap that side button to confirm and authenticate the payment amount you entered.
To verify it went through, just check under “Latest Transactions” – you should see that payment listed as pending.
If you are able to pay the full balance, your Apple Card color will reset back to the clean white look. Paying on time helps you keep earning rewards too!